Tuesday, December 5, 2017

My Absence

Dear Readers of Life Through Levity,

I want to apologize for my absence. For months I was consistently giving you all new material to read and enjoy, yet when my personal life became difficult I abandoned you. Although my life has been stressful in more ways than I wish to share, I should've thought about trying to cheer someone else up instead of nursing my own wounds. By doing that, I became self-focused and less available to help people see life in an uplifting way that I originally promoted.

See, I realized something. It was easy to write this blog when everything was going smoothly. Each article was as simple as writing words on a page. There wasn't much resistance or difficulty in it, but still it proved to be an effective way to make you smile. I shouldn't have given up on the idea, but now I have matured and am more capable of helping people enjoy life even amidst the pain.

This season has been truly painful in many ways, but I learned something. Learning to live life through levity isn't only about laughing at yourself and the world around you, but also about how to heal from wounds we receive when life gets tough. Lately, I've been healing from a lot of wounds. These wounds, and my inability to properly deal with them, is what led to my absence.

One way to deal with these wounds is to keep moving forward. Take a few breaths, maybe a couple of days of relaxation, and then pursue your dreams again. Push through the doubts. Forgive those who've hurt you, and remember that the only thing in life that can truly stop you from enjoying life and spreading that joy to others is you. So don't get in the way of yourself, because everyone has a unique purpose in life that will make them feel accomplished, fulfilled, and excited. Reach out to others who need encouragement and uplifting, and don't be afraid to accept a helping hand from those who wish to encourage you.

I hope that all of you will still read my blog in the coming months, because I miss writing to all of you.

Thank you for being there for me,

Jonathan Shuffler

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